Thursday, 8 June 2017

Summertime and propagation will be easy 

50Mhz, 6 meter  is very populaire during the summertime. To know more on how signals behave  listen --> here

73 Gerard

Nice local conditions on 40 meter

When you are dialing on the 40 meter band and searching for local Dutch stations, it's  always useful to take a look at the digisonde probe site. When the E and Es layers are very low in height, there is a good change to work some local stations.

This evening I was lucky and meet several Dutch stations on 7190 khz Henny PA3HK give an excellent explanation how it works.

But let's talk about the Digisonde site

As you can see is that E layer reflect radio signals around 100 km. This mean that you hear strong local signals from Dutch station.

You can find the digisonde site ->here

73 Gerard